Crossed Kayaks
Snydor Farm

38.6231571, -76.6306653
4655 Huntingtown Road, Huntingtown MD 20639

When Jean Hogue was doodling a design for a square and came up with the kayak pattern, she was following in the same creative turn of mind as a quilter in the late 1800's who drew a 'Crossed Canoes' square for a quilt. Kayaks are a fitting design for this barn, since the road leads to Kings Landing Park and a kayak launch on the Patuxent River. When Jean approached Lenny Sydnor about hosting her square on their barn, he and his father Gary enthusiastically agreed. Their barn now stores hay, but it once was a tobacco barn and still has the stripping room attached. Now the Sydnor farm also produces fruits and vegetables, which Lenny sells at his farm stand, RILEY'S Produce, at 4138 Old Town Rd. in Huntingtown, MD. Photo: Jean Hogue and Gary Sydnor